If you have bought a used balloon and would like to share your experience, feel free to share it here. Just send me your story and I will post it. I will not however post anything meant to cast anyone you might have had a bad experience with in a bad light. If you have come here to air out dirty laundry you have come to the wrong place. This is a place where potential buyers can learn from your experiences so please send in good, thought provoking stories.
Making sure the balloon you are buying does not have an expired FAA registration - Tim Martin
With the new FAA registration rules on registration looks like there may be some older balloons out there for sale that have not registered and have "expired" registration under their N number. The registration experation may progress to a "cancled" N number if the owner does not timely re-register. While registration is expired and/or cancled the balloon is grounded untill all the proper FAA hoops are jumped through. And, since this is new policy (Passed in 2010 with experations starting in 2012) many of the hoops to be jumped through are undefined by the FAA. Suffice it to say that buying a balloon with an expired and/or cancled registration may take a few weeks or a few years to get back in the air, knowone knows for sure.
Click http://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/nnum_inquiry.aspx to view the registration status of a balloon you might potentially buy. If the N-Number is not provided with the listing just ask for it and check it out for yourself.
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